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Shit. so i just spoke with my mom who randomly calls me at night when she's drunk- telling me that my grandma is moving in on May. This means, I will have to deal with my grandma until i get married or sadly but true(until she dies). It's kind of creepy and i mean its good my mom offered but shit- i don't want her to pass away at my house. There's just this little haunting feeling. very nasty. I do not think I can handle such a thing. Although, is it fair that my mom is the only daughter that who to take all the crap? Anyways- I am trying as hard as I can to accept the fact that she will be living and sharing a house whenever I move back home. crazy - .Today was the first day in my life that i felt completely useless. I just woke up , i was lazy all day. I didn't get much done. I sent out my resume like a million times-got a call back:)- saw my hunny-ate-wasted time-shower-this. I just felt completely bored. Now I know what a house wife or i might even say trophy wife must feel like on a daily basis.
Talking about being a wife; this April fools a friend text me telling me that she is engaged. I felt shocked. Getting married must be a great thing but how ? what do you do ? are you sure you want to spend the rest of your life with that person? fuck these questions are so hard. thinking about that one person who you are willing to spend the rest of your life with is fucking amazing. I admire people who have been married for more then 10 years. Pinch me when that day happens to me.