Jun 30, 2010

I guess we are [22]

Larry Clark [Wassup Rockers]

As if we did not get enough from the movie [KIDS], Larry Clark gave us another amazing movie. Similar feel. Must check it out.

[k]rew jeans, ramones, beverly hills, vitamin waters, racist cops, pissed drunx, promiscuous kids, fearless skaters.....corruption

James Franc[n]o

James Franco is not always beautiful. He has bad pictures too.

I still think you are hot. this photo only makes you human

Oh Yessssssss

Jun 28, 2010

* pajaritos *

* pajaritos *, originally uploaded by * b e r e *.

The sun is finally coming out.
Hand me the tanning oil.

Who are you ?

Perverts at the gym

What is the deal with the gym now-a-days ? I used to think of it as a place where I could go to get all sweaty and forget about the world. It used to be my sanctuary. 

All I see now are creepers going up to girls and causing an awkward moment. Trust me boys.... girls do not want to talk to you at the gym.....[unless]...they are wearing full blast eyeshadow, eyeliner and not working out. Those girls you can attack. Not I captain. 

Guys are joining the group classes now. I guess they are evolving and realized---->[hmmmm classes are all full of women]. BUT......Why do guys have to set up behind me? Trust me boys.. I don't want to squat in front of your face. 

Don't ask for my number..... I don't want to meet you :) Find me elsewhere. I have a stalker already that figured my schedule to all my classes and would surprisingly bump into me and elbow his friend. COME ON that's so creepy. I had to change my schedule and fuck with his head. Now... he has figured it out again. ha. Maybe I should eat a booger and gross him out. Just a thought.......

Jun 24, 2010

hola* hola * hola

DSCN6657, originally uploaded by * b e r e *.

Como me gustaria poder escribir algo que algunas personas no entendieran.

Gracias a google chrome, traduce todos los idiomas es que.... HOLA!

Jun 23, 2010

Blind date* no thanks.

I detest when people try to secretly "hook you up" with a stranger.....
Please stop trying to add me on Facebook. I don't know you. You creep me out.

I don't believe in blind dates. I don't believe in needing a match*maker. 
I believe in faith. Friendship before relationship. Don't get me wrong, I know some people have tried eHarmony and other online dating sites and apparently they work....that is just not for me. 

Quit inviting me to "girls night" when we all know all the girls will be with their boyfriends and randomly some single guy will sit next to me. [Awkward!] No thanks.

I'm single for a reason.


" I don't choose that much. I just sort of take what's there. I don't have much else to do. I don't have a lot of hobbies. I don't play golf. I don't have any children. Things that occupy people's time. I just try to take jobs. I basically work so much because I'm lazy."

I could feel at the time......

I could feel at the time
There was no way of knowing
Fallen leaves in the night
Who can say where they're blowing
As free as the wind
And hopefully learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this - there is nothing
More than this - tell me one thing
More than this - there is nothing
It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like dream in the night
Who can say where we're going
No care in the world
Maybe I'm learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this - there is nothing
More than this - tell me one thing
More than this - there is nothing

Jun 22, 2010

I miss Bush

At least he made us laugh every day....

Jun 18, 2010

what's your favorite film?

Gosh i LOVE Fantastic Planet : La Planète Sauvage
watch it if you have not done so already.

Ask me anything

Jun 17, 2010


Jun 16, 2010

Porn & Disney

Jun 15, 2010


Lemonade lyrics by Cocorosie

It was Cinco de Mayo
Pillow case on his head
No more breathing time
An ambulance sped
It sped round every corner
Calling out his name

Shot a rabbit from the back seat window
Sat and watched in the summer corn row
Ate icecream in a desert dream
Got love in father seeing you
Too hot inside to hot outside
Lazy days when you said just go for a ride
We'll sail on Spirit Lake,
Me, my pappy, and his lemonade

Tim and tina were my parents' names
They got engaged they were inflamed
Seduced by the lie of butterflies

How they shimmer, how they glimmer
Those butterflies

We seven kids, we almost died
Nearly put to death
But lightning strike
Instead there was hot pink
Flashes in the sky
We climb the rocks in snowing rain
In search of magic power

To heal our mother's pain

Shot a rabbit from the back seat window
Sat and watched in the summer corn row
Ate icecream in a desert dream
Got love in father seeing you
Too hot inside to hot outside
Lazy days when you said just go for a ride
We'll sail on Spirit Lake,
Me, my pappy, and his lemonade

Jun 10, 2010

cocorosie :)

COming to San Diego [July 1 @ Casbah]

Jun 9, 2010


I am going to participate in the AIDS walk in LA this year. I am excited :)

 Help out and sponsor me!! -  http://tinyurl.com/22peutu

Click Here to Donate

Jun 8, 2010

My little nephew playing the guitar.

i love that little thing. every friday he has guitar classes. haha looks like its paying off.