Feb 25, 2010

Claritin sucks

I woke up feeling horrible today. I got horrible allergies and I decided to take claritin....It says non-drowsy.
Turns out these pills have made me loose my consciousness. I had a hard time dealing with reality and dreaming. Horrible. I feel stoned, drunk, on shrooms, and confused. I tried to eat and everything felt so heavy on my hands....even a napkin.

I did some research and found out that I was not alone.

[other reviews...]

I decided to try taking claritin to help with my allergies but it didn't seem to actually do anything except for make me feel like crap. Started crying could not sleep and felt really depressed and was reading through these comments and saw that I am not the only one this has happened to. I'm really disappointed in Claritin and just threw mine out. I wish people were more aware of this (as side effects/adverse reactions warning is nowhere on the box) and I took regular Claritin. I'm not taking Claritin ever again, far as I'm concerned.

I feel drunk, stoned, dry mouth, sleepy even though it said non drowsy 

Extreme moodiness - mostly feeling unlike myself and depressed. I had feelings like everything was out of my control and felt on the verge of crying for almost two hours. Caused muscle soreness. The first dose I took made me feel extremely out of it and almost zombie-like. I felt as though I was moving in slow motion.

*  dizziness, disorientation, mental agitation, nightmares


Claritin- NEVER AGAIN! !!!!!

i don't even feel like myself right now. im out of it . excuse my spelling or grammar or whateva....i feel like shit!

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