Mar 28, 2010
[don't be ligggggggggghttttttt]
Air @ 4th & B [Be a bee & Talisman ]
Mar 25, 2010
For the second time I will be experiencing their amazingness @ 4th & B with my boo....... I will be wearing 7 inch heels so nobody blocks my path. I still can't believe they will be in San Diego.
I am getting beyond excited for Air. The videos I have seen from other people for this new tour are giving me chills.. Hope you enjoy these short videos. I know I will be enjoying them on Saturday.
I am getting beyond excited for Air. The videos I have seen from other people for this new tour are giving me chills.. Hope you enjoy these short videos. I know I will be enjoying them on Saturday.
Mar 21, 2010
IFC show
Sam Mason, 48 year old Brooklyn based Chef. If you love food & rock 'n roll- check this show out. Tonight was my first night checking this show out. Check it out on Tuesdays @ 10:30pm EST. He has had the following bands at his show :
Sharon Jones & The Dap Kings, Final Fantasy, Les Savy Fav, Men, Kid Sister & Flosstradamus, and the guest to the show tonight: Yacht
Tonight he had [The Yacht]. Sam Mason seemed a bit annoyed by them but from the look of them, I would be too. I like The Yacht music but them as a person, ew. What a waste. At least they sound some what good.
[Sam Mason is on the left corner........ probably thinking the yacht sucks ]
[what an ugly couple]The idea of this show is neat. Sam Mason has bands come in, they perform, they cook and play more music. What more do you want? Yum Yum Yum.
Now I am hungry
Check it out for yourself. Maybe he was just in a bad mood. His face and body language was obvious.
Truth of Innocence
Innocence, why do we lose it so early, is it because we are exposed to the dirt which blows around almost anywhere.
Or is it because, we have this dirt encrypted within us, as we are human beings. How good it is not to know things and live in a world which is full of imagination, where we can create our own pictures and make all the necessary changes without any interruption. It is quite amazing, that we never get to know, when was it that we really lost our innocence, suddenly, one day we realise, it is not the same me.
"I have changed", and we all know that this change is going to make us more vulnerable, prone to a life which keeps on sucking our blood at all the intervals. The problem is once lost, we never get that innocence back, it is even worse than a lost love affair, there is absolutely no replacement and also no escape from this ultimate truth.

Or is it because, we have this dirt encrypted within us, as we are human beings. How good it is not to know things and live in a world which is full of imagination, where we can create our own pictures and make all the necessary changes without any interruption. It is quite amazing, that we never get to know, when was it that we really lost our innocence, suddenly, one day we realise, it is not the same me.
"I have changed", and we all know that this change is going to make us more vulnerable, prone to a life which keeps on sucking our blood at all the intervals. The problem is once lost, we never get that innocence back, it is even worse than a lost love affair, there is absolutely no replacement and also no escape from this ultimate truth.

Mar 17, 2010
Mar 15, 2010
Chick Flick Must
This movie is so good. Great blockbuster snack. We all try to make ourselves feel better when something doesn't work out. We give failure excuses. Please watch this movie. It is very cute. Feel good movie. I unfortunately watched it by myself and left the movie theater kind of sad... wondering where my soul mate was. lol.
Fortunately I have found my love.
This movie is a must :) Watch it.
Girls are taught a lot of stuff growing up. If a guy punches you he likes you. Never try to trim your own bangs and someday you will meet a wonderful guy and get your very own happy ending. Every movie we see, Every story we're told implores us to wait for it, the third act twist, the unexpected declaration of love, the exception to the rule. But sometimes we're so focused on finding our happy ending we don't learn how to read the signs. How to tell from the ones who want us and the ones who don't, the ones who will stay and the ones who will leave. And maybe a happy ending doesn't include a guy, maybe... it's you, on your own, picking up the pieces and starting over, freeing yourself up for something better in the future. Maybe the happy ending is... just... moving on. Or maybe the happy ending is this, knowing after all the unreturned phone calls, broken-hearts, through the blunders and misread signals, through all the pain and embarrassment you never gave up hope.
So trust me when I say if a guy is treating you like he doesn't give a shit, he genuinely doesn't give a shit. No exceptions.I totally thought Ginnifer Goodwin was related to this girl from Fast Times at Ridgemont High..... [ i guess not ! ]
Mar 14, 2010
anger management
"Die Kitty Die !!!!!! Damn you mother fucker you did not call me back. You are not answering my texts!! You left me for that other girl!! "
Of course that is not what the little girl was saying.... Thought it was funny. It would be fun taking it out the anger on a piñata. I think we need a big party with tons of Hello Kittys full of miniature alcohol bottles.
Take your anger out on hello kitty. At least she can't even scream for help.
Kitty goes : Purrrrrrrrrrrr
Watch out boys...... Girls can be more aggressive than you.
-So I took my nephew to my friends little piñata and I felt very old. I was having some wine while my nephew bounced around the astro jump. I would hear my name being called out... I would turn to look and knew I had to smile and wave.
I left the party with bags full of candy...holding on to my nephews hand....
Gosh being a single parent sure does suck. I am so not ready for kids. I can't even picture my own wedding. -

Mar 12, 2010
We Have Signs
Gosh I miss San Francisco sometimes. People like this made me laugh..haha
San Diego needs signs.
Mar 11, 2010
Mar 10, 2010
And So It Goes Again- Lost Boy Corey Haim
R.i.p. Lost Boy
Our "Lost Boy" hottie died today due to a drug overdose. He was definitely a lost boy.
The 38-year-old actor collapsed at his mother's apartment today.
Is Corey Feldman next ?
Another lost soul...... So it goes.
rest in peace lost boy.
Mar 9, 2010
Good bye hair.
I really tried to let it grow.....
I woke up having a bad hair day and decided to chop it all off.
Good bye hair.
I'll see you another day.........
Alice In Wonderland- Fail
Im not sure about you but I did not like Alice in Wonderland.
Don't get me wrong....It was visually amazing but as others had said- it lacked plot.
The Gwyneth Paltrow look-a-like : 20 year old Mia Wasikowska,Alice was very 'whatever' in my opinion. Maybe it had something to do with my surroundings ? Under age children stoned out of their minds...running around the movie theater.... I felt like I was intruding a minors bday party with a wannabe dj. No more premieres for me at the Otay Ranch movie theater unless I am forced. I kept on wondering if the kids had school the following day... seriously...sold out..3 theater rooms with Alice in Wonderland...- all packed with high school stoners coughing up their lungs. I had not felt old in such a long time but this night did the trick. I felt old. I felt every year of my 24 years...Even though I do look young and possibly might even look younger than these girls....Watching this movie made me feel like an oldie. "Who brought the grandma?"
I had higher expectations for this movie that were not met.
I do have to say that Helena Bonham Carter did an amazing job at fulfilling the role as the red queen.

Normally at a midnight premiere....people cheer and clap at the end......not for this one.
Everyone around me left the theater a bit confused wondering if they liked it or not.
Damn you Tim Burton. Make something better ! I know you can do it !!!!!
Quit making sequels and make magic happen. Lets bring back some Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare before xmas....... make it happen. Apparently he has 2 films under production [Frankenweenie ???] I hope it is not another disappointment.
I hope Johnny Depp is not in another Tim Burton film. I think I am over him. Johnny Depp already has 15 movies in development.

Tim Burton's obsession over Johnny has got to stop. I am secretly convinced that they are swingers.

At least these 2 made me giggle.

for those that already watched the movie-
wtf is up with Johnny Depp and his stupid dance in the end ? Was that really necessary ?
How could Johnny Depp agree to do such an embarrassing dance ? Really?
Don't get me wrong....It was visually amazing but as others had said- it lacked plot.
The Gwyneth Paltrow look-a-like : 20 year old Mia Wasikowska,Alice was very 'whatever' in my opinion. Maybe it had something to do with my surroundings ? Under age children stoned out of their minds...running around the movie theater.... I felt like I was intruding a minors bday party with a wannabe dj. No more premieres for me at the Otay Ranch movie theater unless I am forced. I kept on wondering if the kids had school the following day... seriously...sold out..3 theater rooms with Alice in Wonderland...- all packed with high school stoners coughing up their lungs. I had not felt old in such a long time but this night did the trick. I felt old. I felt every year of my 24 years...Even though I do look young and possibly might even look younger than these girls....Watching this movie made me feel like an oldie. "Who brought the grandma?"
I had higher expectations for this movie that were not met.
I do have to say that Helena Bonham Carter did an amazing job at fulfilling the role as the red queen.

Normally at a midnight premiere....people cheer and clap at the end......not for this one.
Everyone around me left the theater a bit confused wondering if they liked it or not.
Damn you Tim Burton. Make something better ! I know you can do it !!!!!
Quit making sequels and make magic happen. Lets bring back some Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare before xmas....... make it happen. Apparently he has 2 films under production [Frankenweenie ???] I hope it is not another disappointment.
I hope Johnny Depp is not in another Tim Burton film. I think I am over him. Johnny Depp already has 15 movies in development.

Tim Burton's obsession over Johnny has got to stop. I am secretly convinced that they are swingers.

At least these 2 made me giggle.

for those that already watched the movie-
wtf is up with Johnny Depp and his stupid dance in the end ? Was that really necessary ?
How could Johnny Depp agree to do such an embarrassing dance ? Really?
Mar 3, 2010
highly recommended.
i lended a friend this movie and never got it back..... sad story
i need to purchase it again.....
maybe tonight ?
this movie might look scary. If you are asking if im on drugs - no. lol. It is such a great film that you must watch. I believe you can check it out on episodes on youtube somehow.....
this movie has such an amazing soundtrack.

i need to purchase it again.....
maybe tonight ?
this movie might look scary. If you are asking if im on drugs - no. lol. It is such a great film that you must watch. I believe you can check it out on episodes on youtube somehow.....
this movie has such an amazing soundtrack.
Jersey Shore - Inglorious basterds.....
Really Snookie ? - season 2 in miami...
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Mar 1, 2010
Paris goes Devassa
"It's an ad that devalues women - in particular, blonde women," according to a spokeswoman for the women's secretariat who said it received numerous complaints.
Apparently, Brazil has regulations prohibiting beer companies from portraying women as "overtly sensual objects."
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