Don't get me wrong....It was visually amazing but as others had said- it lacked plot.
The Gwyneth Paltrow look-a-like : 20 year old Mia Wasikowska,Alice was very 'whatever' in my opinion. Maybe it had something to do with my surroundings ? Under age children stoned out of their minds...running around the movie theater.... I felt like I was intruding a minors bday party with a wannabe dj. No more premieres for me at the Otay Ranch movie theater unless I am forced. I kept on wondering if the kids had school the following day... seriously...sold out..3 theater rooms with Alice in Wonderland...- all packed with high school stoners coughing up their lungs. I had not felt old in such a long time but this night did the trick. I felt old. I felt every year of my 24 years...Even though I do look young and possibly might even look younger than these girls....Watching this movie made me feel like an oldie. "Who brought the grandma?"
I had higher expectations for this movie that were not met.
I do have to say that Helena Bonham Carter did an amazing job at fulfilling the role as the red queen.

Normally at a midnight premiere....people cheer and clap at the end......not for this one.
Everyone around me left the theater a bit confused wondering if they liked it or not.
Damn you Tim Burton. Make something better ! I know you can do it !!!!!
Quit making sequels and make magic happen. Lets bring back some Edward Scissorhands, Nightmare before xmas....... make it happen. Apparently he has 2 films under production [Frankenweenie ???] I hope it is not another disappointment.
I hope Johnny Depp is not in another Tim Burton film. I think I am over him. Johnny Depp already has 15 movies in development.

Tim Burton's obsession over Johnny has got to stop. I am secretly convinced that they are swingers.

At least these 2 made me giggle.

for those that already watched the movie-
wtf is up with Johnny Depp and his stupid dance in the end ? Was that really necessary ?
How could Johnny Depp agree to do such an embarrassing dance ? Really?
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