Name of the film [TIMER]

Basically this movie is about waiting for true love.
You get a timer inserted in your wrist that lets you know the years, months, hours and seconds of when you will meet your true love. The place where they do the insertion looks like an Apple store. Found it silly to think about it. Same uniforms and such. I guess Apple is pretty powerful..Maybe one day they will tell us who our soul mate will be... or when we will meet them.

The main girl in the movie has an obsession in finding true love. She is turning 30 and her timer is blank......Her timer just flashes and has no date.

She starts letting go when she meets a young musician that works at the grocery store.

His timer said 4 Months so she hung out with him in the meanwhile. I guess knowing that she wasn't his "one and only" gave her that risky bad girl feeling. The movie left me thinking......Would I want to know when I will meet the one or just let it happen naturally ? What if I am dating someone and I know i'm in love and the device says my soul mate is somewhere else....wouldn't that just ruin the love ? What's the point in being told who you will spend the rest of your life ? Don't we learn from our mistakes ? I do not regret past relationships. We all learn and become better people. Bad lovers...bad experiences...all make us a better person. We learn and move on.
I am glad we still trust in our hearts.
Overall this film was entertaining.