Dec 14, 2009

Fu*k Christmas.

I love Christmas. I love Christmas movies. Christmas Carol....Christmas Vacation... Charlie Brown Christmas ... all those stupid jolly movies that make me feel like its okay to gain a couple pounds. "Winter love handles."

I just hate shopping for others. I think im selfish... Of course... I'm a Taurus.
I've been at the mall these past 2 weeks and all I've successfully purchased has been things for myself.
I get to the mall and all I can think about is ME. I've been buying myself every outfit I think is cute.
Unnecessary jewelry....tights....nail polish...scarves... shoes... and so much more. I am the easiest person to shop for. I linked my family to exactly what I wanted on online stores....expecting them to do the same in return. What I am just going to do is go to their favorite store and buy something ridiculous so they can walk in there and exchange it. It is the nice way of giving a gift certificate.

We all want to make a mess with wrapping paper. So I guess that is an idea for those of you that are x-mas-fused [confused? ]

I also hate figuring out who is going to buy me something.... "Is he/she going to give me a present ? Should I buy them something ? How much is enough ?" I want to save myself from awkward situations like that. I do not want to be surprised with a present and have nothing to give in return.

Gosh Christmas is such a drag. I love the un-materialistic part of christmas : cuddling, hot chocolate, baking, singing xmas songs, etc. If you are going to buy me something...... please be direct with it. Let me know. If you don't tell me.... then... no present for you :)


Anonymous said...

You are so full if yourself hopefully you get nothing!

Insomniac-Rants said...

that would be a relief...time saver.. i actually don't need anything :)

love the fact u remain anonymous. scurdy cat.

Anonymous said...

That's the beauty of blogging, u post ur dramatic episodes then u should be able to take what people think of it...I don't think that's harsh...have a nice night.

Insomniac-Rants said...

haha :) thanks for your input. I really do hope i don't get anything this xmas. I have no more room for new things. criticism is always good but I already knew that about myself. I was born a Taurus.

Insomniac-Rants said...

good night anonymous

Anonymous said...

Hey it's me again...I really hope you didn't take the earlier message the wrong way. You know who I am and I think you're hot but were friends and I wasn't expecting you to post so we can talk before I reveal myself. Let me know if you're up

Insomniac-Rants said...

Not at all. No worries. I don't sleep. hahaha I am insomniac.

Anonymous said...

Im getting to know u better with ur blogs, u dating anyone?

Insomniac-Rants said...

reveal yourself. who are you?

Anonymous said...

I can't, I don't feel the time is right and u know this is annoying and creepy but I'm stuck, don't know how u would react. I'm sure now you're gonna be thinking about this and I don't want u too, don't worry Im not a stalker or anything, i just keep thinking about u and I want to be the one to make Christmas better for u. Anyway...

Anonymous said...

Just let me know if u want me to stop messaging u.

Insomniac-Rants said...

hahaha. who are you ? yes i am dating someone right now.

Anonymous said...

That's cool, hope he won't run into these messages, u might want to delete then after, don't want to screw up anything good for you. In that case, can I just be real honest with u without telling you who I am? Are these posts visible to everyone?

Insomniac-Rants said...

so who are you ?

Anonymous said...

Im sorry I can't. I'm not ready yet. But I'm a male if course, 28, and we've partied a couple times together. It was a bad idea I think for me to try to get ur attention. I just wanted u to know that u are one hot bitch. Seriously it sounds creepy cause this whole thing is wierd but I so would eat it all day every day cause that's how hot u are. Gosh, I don't know what else to say

Anonymous said...

Hey B, sorry if I offended u. Forget this whole thing. I should of left it alone a couple blogs earlier...this time I will. I'll see u around and next time I do, I'll reveal myself, just don't hold this Against me I hope, peace!