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Sep 30, 2010
Sep 27, 2010
Sep 24, 2010
Be confident
Men that are confident I find extremely sexy. Even if they are not the most attractive men in the planet, a man with confidence is hot. I've dated my fair amount of jealous men. Sad... but it happens. We all date that one person that breaks our heart and ruins it for the other ones that come after. BUT SNAP out of it peeps. Not everyone is the same :) I've been cheated on [unfortunately] a couple of times and I must say... I am a happy girl. Things happen for a reason. Guys cheat and you find out... move on. It is not your fault.
Jealous men suck. They waste my time. I do have millions of guy friends but you know what ? If I am going to go on a date with you.... "you are mine! My attention is on you." I am not the type of person that will jump in another relationship just for the fuck of it. I don't cheat. I don't lie. Who ever is going to love me...is going to have to accept me for who I am. I learned the hard way that PEOPLE DON'T CHANGE. You either accept them as they are or move on. It will be a waste of time and broken promises. I have a lot of guy friends.... yes that is very true. My facebook is prob 85% male but guess what ? If i wanted to date any of those men... I would of been on that already. So boys..... or men... don't be jealous. When a girl is with you...She is with you. Don't be thinking of her cheating behind your back because if you do not trust her...She will cheat for the fuck of it. No trust= No love. I know it's hard trusting a new person but if you don't give it your all then you are a half assed person.
Love all you can. Give it your all. If it doesn't work out
[ NEXT ]
Sep 21, 2010
Children's Benadryl Non-Drowsy
BENADRYL is making me hallucinate.
Scary thought is that I am taking Children's benadryl. I took some last night before I went to bed.
Let me tell you something......I began to hallucinate as soon as I turned off all the lights. I felt like I was part of my blanket. Unable to move. Stuck. Every movement I made made me feel like I was sleeping on a cloud that could fall apart in any instant. I felt like Dumbo when he got drunk...seeing pink elephants dancing in the room causing me to sleep with my blanket over my face...[never again!!!]

I thought I would wake up feeling better......after taking such a drug. What freaks me out is that this is made for children. I guess I am small [5'1]...but still.....If this is how I feel after taking it I can only imagine what it does to small children.
It unfortunately did not work as planned. I still woke up with a pain in my throat.
Now I am stuffing myself with honey....hoping it takes it away.
Come on throat...I've got to be better for this weekend.
[excuse me if I make no sense. I am still high from the meds....]
Sep 20, 2010
Sep 19, 2010
Who is the weirdest person you have ever had a "sex dream" about?
dos equis most interesting man in the world
Sep 14, 2010
Sep 12, 2010
Memorable Sunday

Woke up today at my best friends house....
Did not have a hang over from last night which is very odd for the amount of alcohol that we drank at her birthday celebration at Costa Brava + PB bar hoppin'.
What I can say....Sangria made me silly...then some beer and whiskey...[I know...I'm a smart girl].
We woke up very early with no pain. Popped a pain killer and joined her family for breakfast. Got home...took a shower... put on my party face and went to my nephews 6 year old birthday party.
Funny how my 2 favorite people in this world were born on the same day. No wonder I love you both so much.
SO I tried to help my nephew get tons of candy...the piƱata was still dripping candy and candy fell on my head. ha. I'm that idiot of the night. Now my head hurts.
ANYWAYS.... The best thing of the night was..... my best friend getting engaged. I am the happiest person ever. I feel so amazing. I'm such a good cupid. Me and my big mouth......spilling the beans and telling her he loved her before they went out. lol. I love it. My favorite couple are getting married :)
CONGRATS CRISTY AND MEMO!!!!!!!! After a year of dating.... You two are it. You found your one and only. Remember that some people wait their entire lives to have that moment... I am so happy you two are getting married. I am still in shock since I remember when I spoiled the beans and told Cristy that Memo was in love with her. Thank you Big mouth of mine. Now it is time to grow up and move on to the next stage in life. It is a very scary feeling but once you know....grab on! I personally am frightened of marriage since I do not believe in divorce and my biggest fear is being alone.
Anyways... Good Luck on everything my loves. I know you guys can do it ! Now it is time to diet for the brides maid dress. ;) Time to plan the bachelorette party !!!!!
Sep 9, 2010

I've had this song on repeat all day.This is my pick of the day. enjoy -


DOWNLOAD THE SONG HERE : http://www.zshare.net/audio/80239847d0c65b13/
my worst enemy
I sometimes find myself being my own worst enemy.

Drunk Bere has no shame. She will drunk dial. Drunk text. She will be mean and send evil emails if mad.
Sober Bere will not remember what Drunk Bere caused but ends up paying for the consequences. Sober Bere will not hurt a fly.
Sep 7, 2010
La Ultima Y Nos Vamos: [One For The Road]

This movie is what I think is the [Mexican Hang Over]. It is all in Spanish so I suggest you watch it and read. It is worth it.

There are different guys you will meet in this life time:
Those are that live to work: - These guys have so much money that they don't give a shit.. They will make bank but forget about their loved ones ....[trust me I dates one of these]. They loved money so much that they forgot what love is about. They think that buying you expensive things will excuse them from spending time with you. Honey...Money does not buy love. It sure buys lots of things but LOVE you have to work for. Wake up and hug your woman !!!!!!
Those that have their lovers too secured & too trusting. - So you think that because you have all trust and faith on your woman...they are going to feel loved ? I dated a guy like this. He trusted me with his all. He was too lazy to go out with me and I am a night owl. I love the night life. Even if it is just to watch people fall on their faces due to being intoxicated. I love to be out. If you want me to stay at home with you and watch you just sit there and not move a finger. Trust me I will leave you. That is not worth my time. I live once and I want to see life.
Guys that have no jobs and drink Monday-Sunday. Seriously.....get away from me. Don't call me on a Monday morning waking me up to find out later that you were still wasted and drunk dialing me at 6 a.m. Gross.. Start your own business. Quit being such a fuck up.
Hermit-Stoners. Work hard but then don't want to go out on the weekends. Want to spend all their day smoking weed and ordering take out. I don't mind a stoner but on a daily basis and a couch potato... no thanks....
The George Clooney.... The ones you dated and you still see at clubs with a crowd of girls and bottle service dancing on the tables. Please grow up.
The Mel Gibson. The one that acts very cool at the beginning but 3-4 months in the relationship....the devil is unleashed. Wont allow you to wear a dress. Yells at you for no damn reason. Makes you cry in front of people. Makes public violent remarks. Abusive no thanks. My dad is the only man that can yell at me.
The schizo cheaters. They lie and cheat so much that they start to believe that the lies are their reality. They have another girlfriend an hour away. They dedicate a lot of time to you so you don't believe they are capable of cheating or spending time with somebody else. They will waste your time and break your heart. Fuck that.
ARGHHH Thank god i am single.
Salud !
Sep 5, 2010
.not drinking again.
This weekend has been brutal to my liver. I am so disgusted since I have been out and about since Thursday night at Voyeur. I remember being younger and drinking much more. Being able to wake up and not hurt from the night before.
Last night was intense.
I went to PB with some friends to start the "celebration." We were all pretty much bored at home and decided to grab a drink or 2 and watch some drunk white people. We went to what used to be known as Hooters but is now [Beach Wood].Horrible service btw.... Our waitress was half retarded.
Did not bring out the correct beers....Took like an hour to bring us our food....and so on.
We all rushed home to figure out what to wear for the night time. I decided on the default black dress. Due to DUI's and such we all hopped in the red limo and my smart friend decided that we should get off 2 stops before the correct one. It was not too bad but wearing heels for the past few days really hurts.
We checked out red circle....holy moly it was ghetto.
We ran out and went to the SE hotel where we met up with lots of people including my first boyfriends roommate and his gf which by the way brought back too many memories I was trying to forget.
I drank lots of things....beer...vodka...patron shots...
I after partied.....[nothing good ever comes from an after party]
and woke up confused at a friends house. ja.
[walk of shame........fudge] I should of had shades in my purse.
Now I lay in bed.....momentarily handicapped with my computer on my belly feeling like the worst person in the world.
Hang overs with age hurt you way more + moral hang over.
I apologize if i did or said anything stupid. lol.
My selective memory has done me good. Some things should be kept a mystery.
Excuse me if i make no sense or if I repeated myself. I am too lazy to spell check and re-read what I just wrote.
I am handicapped eating left over chinese food. hmmmmm.
Chinese food please save me.
Sep 4, 2010
.some guys are desperate.
So last night I went out to Downtown San Diego to celebrate my sisters first job. We decided to go to this one place called [Analog].

This place is pretty sweet.....dress code is pretty much whatever you want to wear. I saw guys in flip flops last night.
At Analog we danced around like fairies while lots of guys came to us like flies. Funny how we girls always lie to those we do not want to talk to. Well at least I do. We came up with fake names and fake personas. The guy eventually figured out we were lying and still stood there like an idiot wondering why we lied. Come on dude........ I tell you my name is Amy and I'm mexican.......[go figure]. I tell you that I am a lesbian and then you see me kissing a boy.... Gosh how sad.
The bartenders at Analog are cute and entertaining. I think we got a dance per drink we got. Thanks guys. I guess I was too distracted that I signed my tab and left my credit card [on accident....not to go back and get it]. I felt like the idiot that left the bar to go to another one to realize I had to go back to the first bar before it closed to let them all know that I am an idiot and left my card. Luckily it worked out.
I got to be designated driver last night so I got to be extra observant. I had fun watching guys walk around and checking every girl out in hope that they give in. This one guy tried to talk with us then 20 minutes later he was Shallow Hal.

It was also very entertaining watching drunk b.chez getting tossed the in the cop car. ha! That made my night.

I love being a woman and having the power to chose who to waste some time with.

This place is pretty sweet.....dress code is pretty much whatever you want to wear. I saw guys in flip flops last night.
At Analog we danced around like fairies while lots of guys came to us like flies. Funny how we girls always lie to those we do not want to talk to. Well at least I do. We came up with fake names and fake personas. The guy eventually figured out we were lying and still stood there like an idiot wondering why we lied. Come on dude........ I tell you my name is Amy and I'm mexican.......[go figure]. I tell you that I am a lesbian and then you see me kissing a boy.... Gosh how sad.
The bartenders at Analog are cute and entertaining. I think we got a dance per drink we got. Thanks guys. I guess I was too distracted that I signed my tab and left my credit card [on accident....not to go back and get it]. I felt like the idiot that left the bar to go to another one to realize I had to go back to the first bar before it closed to let them all know that I am an idiot and left my card. Luckily it worked out.
I got to be designated driver last night so I got to be extra observant. I had fun watching guys walk around and checking every girl out in hope that they give in. This one guy tried to talk with us then 20 minutes later he was Shallow Hal.

It was also very entertaining watching drunk b.chez getting tossed the in the cop car. ha! That made my night.

I love being a woman and having the power to chose who to waste some time with.
[fake names of the night: Tamara , Kevin, & Jeni ]
Sep 3, 2010
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