This place is pretty sweet.....dress code is pretty much whatever you want to wear. I saw guys in flip flops last night.
At Analog we danced around like fairies while lots of guys came to us like flies. Funny how we girls always lie to those we do not want to talk to. Well at least I do. We came up with fake names and fake personas. The guy eventually figured out we were lying and still stood there like an idiot wondering why we lied. Come on dude........ I tell you my name is Amy and I'm mexican.......[go figure]. I tell you that I am a lesbian and then you see me kissing a boy.... Gosh how sad.
The bartenders at Analog are cute and entertaining. I think we got a dance per drink we got. Thanks guys. I guess I was too distracted that I signed my tab and left my credit card [on accident....not to go back and get it]. I felt like the idiot that left the bar to go to another one to realize I had to go back to the first bar before it closed to let them all know that I am an idiot and left my card. Luckily it worked out.
I got to be designated driver last night so I got to be extra observant. I had fun watching guys walk around and checking every girl out in hope that they give in. This one guy tried to talk with us then 20 minutes later he was Shallow Hal.

It was also very entertaining watching drunk b.chez getting tossed the in the cop car. ha! That made my night.

I love being a woman and having the power to chose who to waste some time with.
[fake names of the night: Tamara , Kevin, & Jeni ]
I love these pics and good blog!!! It really is funny watching drunk people when you are sober. Ive always been interested in human behavior, and I like putting myself in those situations and taking a step back and observing everybody.
Thanks :) I love watching drunk people. Just sucks having to listen to a drunk love confession. It is the worst !!
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